Our Products
Mobile Dimension Saw
Putnam Bogie Trailer
Select the Sawing Method to Fit Your Operation
The portability and versatile design of the Mobile Dimension Saw make it adaptable to virtually any work site. And, it gives you a choice: take the sawmill to the log, or bring the log to the sawmill. With the Mobile Dimension Saw you have a choice: you can choose one or the other or both.
The Standard Sawmill Using the Board and Block Method of Operation
The standard sawmill, with its detachable two-wheel trailer is ideal for use in hard-to-get-to or environmentally sensitive areas; in locations where the logs are too scattered or too large to be easily moved; or when no log handling equipment is available or able to move the logs.
This forest giant that is over 9 feet (2.75 m) in diameter has been set up with the board and block method. The light end of the sawmill has been placed on the set up board and the saw engine is powering the saw carriage up the track to the saw starting point.
The positioning of the sawmill was easy because the engine and saw carriage provided the counter-weight to lift the opposite end of the track onto the log. Each set-up board position determines the height of the sawed lumber. The saw will cut the log by moving across the board. It will then be lowered to the next board to continue the sawing operation.
Standard Sawmill Operation
The standard sawmill is quickly and easily moved from log to log with the small two-wheeled trailer. It can be moved by any motor device or by one person. |
The log is prepared by simply stacking boards and spacer blocks at each end of the log. Different dimensions are obtained by various size spacer blocks. The boards are attached to the log with lag bolts. The special tools to set up the board and block method of sawing are included with the saw. |
Once the board and block frame is completed, one man can easily position the track on the board. |
The engine and saw carriage is transferred to the starting end of the track. The weight of the two units will now counterweight the track weight. |
The track is now easily lifted by one man and placed on the other end of the framework. |
The sawmill has been transferred from the trailer to the log and is ready to saw the complete log. Once the log has been sawed the sawmill can be transferred back to the trailer by reversing the sequence. |